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which is like a bolt from the blue

Zhang Xun according to the enclosed stadium and barn built in one day to catch the pig run, the breeder's job is not easy. Breeder Xujin Tian: One day exercise that is three times that feed the pigs up early, wait an hour or two hours it down under the food, eat it after the next exercise.
Here pigs tired, run one hour each time did not say, there are three columns on the road to run across, Hurdle 40 cm high, it was thrust forward run, really be able to lose excess fat.
According to Zhang Xun: The pig is not walking slowly, but running and hurdling. Breeder: just like losing weight, it is light flesh, not long fat, light long the meat.
Tuhe pig weighing up to 120 kilograms a year, these methods can apostle river pig weighing 90 kg can be maintained within the beneficial change Tuhe too fat pig pig shortcomings,scarpe hogan, which according to Zhang Xun sell a kilo of pork 100 yuan foreshadowed. To August 2007, according to Zhang Xun this end have invested more than 700 million, not only spent years engineering team earned, also owed more than three million yuan debt, a crisis broke out.
August 3, 2007 morning, Zhang Xun according to several farmers are stuck in the farm, they threatened not to put food on credit money back to them that day, this thing forever.
Guo Zhuanjun: money go a few times,http://www.portaleducativodelinti.org/j1/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=5&func=view&catid=8&id=748033#748033, his boss was not in such a situation, did not give me the results of it after I was irritated.
Breeder: missing money,hollister france, they do not go, then the boss frown, light smoke, anxious wait for them to tears.
Qianzhaihaiqian, right and proper, but according to Zhang Xun, but could not get the money, in order to ask the farmers, he vowed to pay off more than two hundred thousand households within a month of food money, and wrote a guarantee to farmers.
Guozhuan Jun: Yes boss, wrote a guarantee.
According to Zhang Xun: We guarantee to pay off debts to farmers for food before September 1, otherwise the company will pay the bank interest rate increase over the same period.
Grain farmers on credit in order to repay money, according to Zhang Xun carrying his wife home house housing mortgage and nephew to the bank, just as he and other loans down, August 11, 2007, his wife ill,http://qlx.ctxlsj.com/thread-2万料堂668-1-1.html, to the hospital, then According to Zhang Xun also busy at the farm where.
Wife Qingrong Chen: to the hospital themselves to diagnose this,http://www.hzguangheng.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=956516, so I feel uncomfortable particularly special, felt helpless, Reporter: nobody you. Wife: Yes, I'm nobody, he has been guarding the farm where pigs.
His wife is in the hospital diagnosis Barrett esophagitis, esophageal cancer early, which is like a bolt from the blue,http://wap.wxrb.com/supesite/?action-viewnews-itemid-2万众堂8, to check the condition of his wife alone defeat at the hospital, she phoned her husband helplessly according to Zhang Xun.
Zhang Xun photo: Give me a telephone call from the phone inside cried, and I cried after the one that I was crying on the phone over there.
Wife: over there is crying. But he says the pig can not do without me here, I say you do not want your wife pig it.
To Tuhe pig, according to Zhang Xun has bet on future career, can bet on all the real estate mortgage, is it still bet on each other two years, always supported by his wife quietly behind it?
Zhang Xun photo: She cried when I said a word, she told me all these years have not been able to enjoy the good things of it. The result is the emergence of this issue,abercrombie pas cher, I think it is really sorry for him.
Wife: I can not say to a child, when I came back later that day I took the bus home,woolrich outlet, where it burst into tears himself.
After the real estate loan down, according to Zhang Xun ten days in advance of the several hundred thousand dollars owed by farmers to pay off, and accompanied his wife to see a doctor,hogan outlet, but according to Zhang Xun, the only river pig conservation difficult.
Sen Springs: Acts River Black Pig conservation alone is not enough,peuterey outlet, the annual cost of farming, a sow close to 3,http://mt.fresheye.com/ft_form.cgi,000 yuan, the utilization of 6-7 years, there are 300 breeding bulls, light the farming costs get more than 600 million plus tens of millions of investment in infrastructure was needed.
In accordance with the provisions of the livestock sector, only reached a one thousand pigs, enough base for species identification experts, conservation can be considered successful, otherwise, can not be regarded only river pig in the true sense, then, according to Zhang Xun has three hundred bull breeding, and a one thousand pigs goal, this time according to Zhang Xun is so far away,scarpe hogan, a heavy burden has made according to Zhang Xun entered the brink of collapse.
Tuhe pig Nengchan two litters a year a total of 20 long pig, administrative costs three thousand yuan, Zhang Xun to shine with pig farmers at home as collateral, to solve financial problems feed. September 2007, according to Zhang Xun had found  to beg for money for food.
Zhang Xun photo: Farmers piglets per 300 dollars to me, a sow yields up 20 piglets a year, which will be able to return 20 piglets 6000 dollars, 6000 dollars with which to feed the sow is no problem.
Six thousand yuan to feed two large pigs, according to Zhang Xun had also Liangkuan what it says, but also served as township leaders, Guo Zhuanjun that trust, he decided to try to raise pig generation according to Zhang Xun, a black pig prepaid three hundred yuan deposit .
Guo Zhuanjun: pig deposit 300 dollars a head, but also not the amount,hollister, I divided the ten pigs.
Piglets grow to 35 pounds to go after Guochuan Jun raise, feed grains themselves raise pigs a year to 170 pounds,http://newhouse.0472fcw.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1665370&uid=48130,woolrich donna, according to Zhang Xun 8.5 yuan per kilogram hog recovery, if a month later settled, according to nine yuan per kilogram hog pay more per pig Guochuan Jun earn a hundred dollars. Guo Zhuanjun: increase of 0.5 yuan per kilogram, and I said I was not the 0.5 dollars on pigs, pigs and no, I say OK, so you figure it was 120 dollars.
Piglets with a year of mortgage payments in exchange for next year sow piglet feed and labor costs, are purely money forced out of way,http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search.cgi, according to Zhang Xun credibility on the return with a house mortgage Liangkuan farmers solve their cash flow problems. By 2009, more than 200 farmers have been raising pigs for his generation.
According to Fan Zhang Xun and farmers raised only river pig, can not do more than sixty percent of pigs, pigs only when the goods sold, and the general market compared to pork, the appearance of the difference is obvious.
High staff prosperity: Figure river black pork red flesh, flesh thin muscle fibers, which are common in the market to buy a flesh pink pork meat relatively coarse fiber.
By the end of 2008, according to Zhang Xun in different parts of the river only black pork pricing, breakthrough hundred dollars per kilogram of pork, pork expensive open market through what channel? He chose nine organic food store in Jinan as partner.
According to Zhang Xun: the main consideration they have a membership group, these groups are members of the high consumption group, our black pork it is a kind of high-grade pork, so open market in Jinan on smoother.
The organic food store to consumption, is a part of the city in pursuit of higher incomes quality of life of people in the store the consumer can become a member and enjoy discounts ranging according to consumer credits.
Store Manager 1: It is now more than 1000, less than 2,000 members, is often over consumption, which some members inside is a large part of this pork is very emotional,louboutin pas cher, that is often over consumption.
Although only average river black pork hundred per kilogram,nike tn pas cher, but still got the part of consumer recognition in Jinan, each store is basically a three-day sale of a pig, 50 kg of meat.
Customers Female: occasionally eat a little, I think this kind of meat, Meat, then spend a little more money is acceptable, because they do not eat
Customer 6: I am over 30, then return to the home when a small pork stew fragrance house is full of flavor. Reporter: really like it. Customer 6: yes, does not like to spend so much, so the price is higher than other more expensive to buy such a thing to eat, the first is fragrant, and the second, I think it is more important is safety.
In October 2009, became the only river pig Eleventh National Games special for pork, October 29, the end of the second day of the Games, Zhang Xun according to the news at a press conference held in Jinan, triggering a centralized media reports, more consumers know the only river hundred dollars per kilogram black pork.
Now, his wife's disease has been cured, according to Zhang Xun engineering team to stop, and he's only river pig breeding reached a thousand heads,http://sj.145hao.com/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-31, pig only river conservation success, and led more than 5,000 farmers breeding pig head Tuhe year a value of more than 5,000 yuan. He has started in Qingyuan, Guangdong and other places pig cooperation projects,abercrombie pas cher, he wanted hundred dollars per kilogram of black pork into a broader market.



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