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发表于 2014-12-12 00:02  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
climate complex

Chengdu Daily News (Reporter Li Yun non Guai Gang) after the end of the exam, many students choose to go to Mount Emei Scenic play. Yesterday afternoon, two high school female students between Emei Mountain in good Huayansi Abbey to play,http://lko48.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=139939&fromuid=711, accidentally fell meter hill. After nearly three hours of rescue,hogan prezzi, the fire brigade will be two trapped girls saved up.
Yesterday around 14:25, Emei Mountain Village patriotic fire squadron received the Police. The caller was from the mountain into the mountains of two female tourists. On the phone, they said the same reading in high school in Beijing,chaussures tn requin,http://zghbjswz.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=497000, aged 20 years old and 19 years old, were from Beijing and Hunan, their expeditions into the mountains, only to feel good when crossing into the temple on top of a bamboo forest, a person who unfortunately fell foot slip Scroll down to the slope of nearly 70 degrees,moncler uomo outlet, down nearly 100 meters long hill, another woman came forward to rescue the students rushed to prepare anti-trapped.
On the phone, the fire brigade while comforting two students do not hurry,http://iemaa.iem.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2812958&extra=, be calm,moncler uomo, while asking its specific location. However, according to information provided by two female students, the fire brigade is difficult to find it in a specific location, but no obvious reference mountains,http://www.xykdhw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=69878, combined with high mountains and steep,outlet moncler online, search and rescue work is very difficult.
In the lush mountains,piumini moncler, along the fire brigade can only search in the jungle cry out the name of female students. The same day around 17:00, the fire brigade heard voices shouting in your search,basket jordan pas cher, then found the two female students in the position. 10 minutes later,tn nike pas cher, two female students were rescued trapped to a safe location, they are just frightened, the body does not matter,http://www.menqiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,tiffany milano, then was taken to a local police station,http://bbs.10086yh.com/showtopic-800435.aspx, ambulance point mountain.
According to the introduction of two female students, when they fell off the hill, but fortunately was obscured beneath the hillside vegetation,holllister france, because of the mountains are not familiar with the terrain,moncler sito ufficiale, they dare go forward,http://friend.chinatmf.com/site/?action-viewcomment-itemid-10, and then call the police calls waiting to be rescued. Fire officers reminded Emeishan geographic complexity, steep mountain terrain, climate complex,http://www.hkqc.net/thread-314043-1-1.html, there are a lot of snakes and ferocious beasts,moncler italia, non-professional adventure tourists in tourism must not venture into the mountains to explore.
(Original title: The Adventures entrance Emei two girls fell hillside)



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