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发表于 2014-10-6 21:20  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
and Pengmou

■ "Seven men and women from the group" jump the bridge group "on the show Haizhu Bridge" Track
Employees Express News (Reporter Li Guohui correspondent sea of ??public ) afternoon on the 11th of this month, seven from Foshan City Shunde Area garment factory and the factory because of a dispute, actually form a "jump the bridge group" climb Haizhu Bridge () . Reporters learned yesterday,http://bbs.cnlxjkw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3338204&fromuid=219428, Haizhu District police for further processing of the event, three lead, organize bridge jump woman was detained, the other four were held in administrative detention.
It is understood that "jump the bridge group" A total of seven people, including five women. Day of the incident, according to the law, Haizhu District police have detained seven people give. After further investigation, the police make further processing on the day before: Leimou climb the bridge Yemou (female, Guangdong Shaoguan people), Hwang (female, Jiangxi) and the proposed bridge climb (female, Guangdong Foshan people),http://juan.linkko.com/node/44万众海浪论坛87/webform/components, because conduct alleged mob to disturb public order,http://uch.1000000p.com/space.php?uid=69460&do=blog&id=396008, criminal detention; climb the bridge Hemou (female, Guangdong Shaoguan people) and Pengmou (male,http://vote.qdxiaoluohao.com/dzx/home.php?mod=space&uid=1768960&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=11084301, Sichuan), Lin (male, Hubei), Zengmou (female, Hubei) is administrative detention.
Police said: "jumping off the Bridge show" does not reflect the legitimate aspirations of the various ways, need help or solve the problem, you should choose a reasonable, lawful ways to express,http://forum.enterworldnet.com/showthread.php?p=1060036#post1060036,chaussure louboutin homme, not to disturb the public order for the price. Police any disturbing social order, endanger public safety, damage to the public interest, will be disposed of according to the law firm.
Event Playback
This month at 16:30 on the 11th Xu, and the factory because of a dispute, Yemou, Hwang and seven male and female workers from a garment factory in Shunde Meet came to Guangzhou, Haizhu climb a "bridge jumping show." After police arrived at the scene,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, a man under the bridge itself, the other six men to climb the bridge. Persuasion by the police, five of them down,http://www.the4um.net/thread-2076756-1-1.html, only woman Hemou standoff with police. Two and a half hours later,http://bbs.qqlbw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=125888, Hemou only down to the deck.



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